Daily Affirmations For Anxiety

Daily affirmations can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety and promoting a sense of calm. Here are affirmations designed to provide reassurance and support:

Repeat these affirmations regularly to create a positive mindset and alleviate anxiety. Remember that seeking professional support is essential if you are dealing with persistent anxiety.

Thoughts Affirmation

Thoughts Affirmation

I am allowed to say no and stand up to my negative thoughts.

“I am in control of my thoughts and choose to focus on the present moment.”

“I release tension and breathe in relaxation. My breath anchors me in peace.”

“I am safe, and I trust in my ability to handle whatever comes my way.”

“Every breath I take fills me with calm, and I release anxiety with each exhale.”
I am safe and in control.

I have done this before, and I can do it again.

This too shall pass.

I am strong.

I trust myself.

Stronger Affirmation

Stronger Affirmation

I am stronger than my struggles.

“I am stronger than my fears, and I confront them with courage.”

“I choose to let go of worries and embrace the serenity within me.”

“Anxiety is a temporary feeling; I am moving towards a state of calm and tranquility.”

“I am surrounded by a supportive environment that promotes my well-being.”

I am capable.

I take things one day at a time.

I inhale peace and exhale worry.

This feeling is only temporary.

I am loved and accepted.

Calm Anxiety Affirmation

Calm Anxiety Affirmation

I am calm and content.

“I release the need for perfection and accept myself with kindness and compassion.”

“I am resilient, and I have the strength to overcome any anxious thoughts.”

“I acknowledge my feelings without judgment and allow them to pass.”

“I am grounded, and my mind is clear and focused on positive outcomes.”

I am enough.

Look at me go! I can do it all.

I love myself.

I forgive myself

Faith Affirmation

Faith Affirmation

I have faith that everything will work out.

“I release the need to control everything and trust in the natural flow of life.”

“I am worthy of peace, joy, and a life free from unnecessary worry.”

“Each day, I am becoming more relaxed and at ease with myself.”

“I choose serenity over stress and invite tranquility into my life.”

I let go and I am free.

I am doing the best I can and that is enough.

I release the past and embrace the present.

Wherever I go, I am well.

Power Affirmation

Power Affirmation

I have the power to let things go.

“I acknowledge my anxiety without judgment and allow myself to feel, knowing it is temporary.”

“I am safe in this present moment, and my anxiety does not define me.”

“I release the need to control everything and trust in the unfolding of my life.”

“My breath is a source of calm, and with each exhale, I release tension and worry.”

I can handle whatever comes my way.

I am safe and protected

I am safe.

I am brave.

Accept Myself Affirmation

Accept Myself Affirmation

I accept myself just the way I am.

“I am resilient, and I can navigate through life’s uncertainties with strength.”

“I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what is beyond my control.”

“I am surrounded by love and support, and I am not alone in facing my challenges.”

“I embrace the idea that mistakes and setbacks are opportunities for growth, not reasons for anxiety.”

I can move past this moment.

“I am in charge.”

“As I breathe, I am calm and relaxed.”

“I have survived my anxiety before. I will survive it now.”

My body is my ally

Anxiety Affirmation

Anxiety Affirmation

I can control how I react to others.

“I am capable of handling whatever comes my way, and I trust in my ability to adapt.”

“I replace anxious thoughts with positive affirmations that promote peace and serenity.”

“I am in tune with my body, and I respond to stress with self-compassion and self-care.”

“I am not defined by my worries; I am defined by my strength and resilience.”

“I act with confidence because I know what I am doing.”

“I am different and unique, and that is OK.”

“I am safe in the company of others.”

“I love and I am loved.”

Emotions Affirmation

Emotions Affirmation

My emotions have purpose and value.

“I release the fear of the unknown and embrace the possibilities of the future.”

“I am worthy of calmness, and I deserve moments of peace in my daily life.”

“I choose to let go of perfectionism, knowing that I am enough just as I am.”

“I create a mental space for tranquility, allowing myself to find peace within chaos.”

“I am prepared and ready for this situation.”

“People assume I can do this, I know I can, and I will.”

“I like myself and that is enough.”

“I am at ease when talking to other people.”

Feel Safe Affirmation

Feel Safe Affirmation

I feel safe and secure wherever I am.

“I am learning and growing every day, and my journey is a process of self-discovery.”

“I am mindful of my thoughts, gently steering them towards positivity and calmness.”

“I trust in the journey of healing, and each day brings me closer to inner peace.”

“I release past anxieties and focus on creating a positive and fulfilling present.”
“I enjoy doing this.”

“I am good at everything I do.”

“Day by day, minute to minute.”

“I am capable and prepared.”

“I let go of control and focus on joy.”

Feelings Affirmation

Feelings Affirmation

I trust myself and my feelings.

“I am not alone; I have a network of support that cares for me.”

“I am capable of finding solutions to challenges, and I approach them with a calm mind.”

“My mind is a peaceful haven, free from the grip of anxiety.”

“I am open to the possibility of change, growth, and healing.”

“I am here, I am now, and I am well.”

“I can handle anything that’s to come.”

“I am safe in the here and now.”

“I will handle whatever happens like I always do.”

“I choose to see the beauty in my surroundings.”

“I have time to prepare and decide.”

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